What Is JavaScript Used For? 10 Practical Applications

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JavaScript is everywhere on the web. It is the most used programming language, with 97.7% of all websites using JS as a client-side programming language. As a result, “JS” skills are a must-have if you’re looking to get a job as a web developer.

Kickstart your web development career by learning about the use of “JS”, what makes JavaScript so popular, the practical applications of JavaScript, and tips on how to become a “JS” professional.


What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript (JS) is a flexible, cross-stage language that empowers designers to make intelligent website pages. Therefore, it considers dynamic substance updates, livelinesss, and intelligent components like spring up menus and interactive buttons. Furthermore, JS controls interactive media, raising the client experience. The use of “JS” can be both on the client side and server side. Users engage with web pages by interacting with elements added using JS. HTML and CSS give structure and style to the web pages. Without JavaScript, 90% of Internet web pages would be static.

What Makes JavaScript So Popular?

JavaScript is incorporated into virtually every processing gadget, from iPhones to Shrewd televisions. Accordingly, it has turned into the go-to language for web improvement, with its widespread reception ascribed to a few key variables.

  • In web development, we can use it for both the front-end and back-end applications.
  • Serves everyone from beginners to intermediate and even advanced developers
  • Can run on all devices
  • It does not need an environment setup
  • Standardized and gets frequently updated with new versions
  • Open Standards and Community
  • Works with Document Object Model (DOM) for response to user interactions
  • Transformed web browsers into application platforms
  • Wide range of frameworks and libraries to help build complex applications

Top 10 Practical Applications of JavaScript

JavaScript is pervasive in site and web application improvement. Eminently, its pragmatic applications are assorted. At first, JS is utilized in front-end advancement. Therefore, it’s used in versatile and work area applications. Besides, JS is utilized in game turn of events and server-side programming. Moreover, it’s utilized in IoT and savvy gadgets. Moreover, driving organizations influence JS to upgrade client experience. Thusly, JS has turned into a crucial device in the tech business.

1. Web Development

JavaScript is a prearranging language used to foster website pages. At first created in Netscape, JS hence empowers engineers to make dynamic and intuitive site pages. Subsequently, it works with guest connection and executes complex activities. Additionally, JS takes into account content stacking without reloading the whole page. Also, most sites use JS for approval and supporting outer applications, including PDF archives and Blaze. Besides, driving tech organizations influence JS to improve client experience, subsequently lifting site usefulness.

Some famous websites built by the use of “JS” are Google, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to name a few.

2. Web Applications

JavaScript systems are utilized as the base for weighty web applications. For instance, Google Guides utilizes JS to give a consistent client experience where you can move around in a guide utilizing a straightforward snap and drag. Other well known front-end systems are Respond Local, Respond, Precise, Vue, which are critical in creating web applications. AngularJS, for instance, was utilized in the advancement of famous applications like Netflix and PayPal, subsequently fixing its place in giving versatile and asset proficient web arrangements.

3. Presentations

Quite, a famous JS application is making intuitive web introductions. At first, libraries like RevealJs and BespokeJs work with this cycle. Therefore, RevealJs empowers intelligent slide decks with change styles, topics, and adaptable foundations. Besides, BespokeJs offers progressed highlights like scaling, enlivened slug records, and sentence structure featuring. Also, these libraries support HTML and CSS, making show creation consistent. Moreover, they upgrade show commitment and visual allure. Thus, JS has reformed electronic introductions. Even if a user is not fully conversant with a programming language, they can easily build presentations as websites using JavaScript.

4. Server Applications

JavaScript developers also utilize the Node.js open-source runtime environment to write server-side software.Essentially, designers use JS to make quick and adaptable organization applications. At first, JS works with content age and HTTP demand the board. Along these lines, this empowers productive server-side turn of events. In addition, top organizations like Walmart and PayPal have embraced Node.js for their server framework. Moreover, Uber and GoDaddy have likewise utilized Node.js for its versatility. Besides, this far reaching reception highlights JS’s significance in server-side turn of events. Thusly, JS has turned into a foundation of present day web improvement.

5. Web Servers

Prominently, Node.js empowers engineers to make web servers utilizing JavaScript. At first, its occasion driven engineering works with offbeat handling. Thusly, this considers non-hindering I/O tasks, moving to the following call without sitting tight for past reactions. In addition, servers effectively move information lumps without buffering. Furthermore, the HTTP module’s createServer() strategy improves on server creation. Besides, this smoothed out process upgrades server execution. Subsequently, Node.js upgrades web server advancement.

6. Games

Creating games on the web is another important one among applications of “JS”. The combination of “JS” and HTML5 plays a major role in game development using JS. The EaselJS library provides rich graphics for games. HTML5 provides total access to the web without additional plugins like Flash. Complex browser games Tower Building, CrossCode, and HexGL game are based on JavaScript and HTML5.

7. Art

A recent feature of HTML5 in JavaScript is the canvas element, which allows drawing 2D and 3D graphics easily on a web page. This has helped open doors for various digital art projects on the browser. Become a digital artist, creating your code of art using “JS”.

8. Smartwatch Apps

Pebble.js is a “JS” framework by Pebble, that allows developers to create applications for Pebble watches using “JS”. Create a smartwatch app with simple JavaScript code.

9. Mobile Apps

One of the most powerful applications of “JS” is to create apps for non-web contexts, meaning for things, not on the Internet. With the use of mobile devices at an all-time high, “JS” frameworks have been designed to facilitate mobile app development across various platforms like IOS, Android, and Windows. React Native framework allows cross-platform mobile app building, where developers can use a universal front end for Android and IOS platforms.

10. Flying Robots

Last but not least, you can use JavaScript to program a flying robot. With the Node.js ecosystem, users can control numerous small robots, creative maker projects, and IoT devices. Step into the exciting world of drones, flying robots, and quadcopters with “JS”.


How to Become a JavaScript Developer

“JS” is a “must” for professionals interested in web development. Nearly one-third of all programming-related job listings on sites like Indeed, look for “JS” proficiency. The global job market boasts around 13.8 million JavaScript Developers.

“JS” Developers need to be experts in the design, testing, and implementation of software using “JS”. So, if you are wondering how to start out with”JS” or how to become a JavaScript developer, here are a few ideas for you to get started.

“JS” Developer is a booming career, and those looking to make a career in “JS” have lucrative prospects. Some of the top “JS” Job roles include:

  • Front-end web developer
  • Web application developer
  • Website administrator
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Quality Assurance Automation Specialist
  • Web Marketing manager

Job Skills That JavaScript Professionals are Required to Have

  • Expertise in JavaScript
  • Knowledge of Client-side Frameworks and Libraries
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • Ability to Write Cross-browser Code
  • ReactJS
  • Node JS
  • TypeScript
  • jQuery
  • Strong Communication Skills
  • Knowledge of the Latest Technology
  • Efficient Memory Management

JavaScript Salary

“JS”-related skillset is highly sought-after by employers across the world. So, no wonder that “JS” jobs offer high salaries and lucrative perks and benefits. Here’s a snapshot of JavaScript salaries across the US, UK, and Indian markets. The average base salary of a JavaScript Developer is:

  • ÂŁ58,713 per year in the UK
  • $90,864 per year in the US

Final Thoughts

“The demand for JS professionals is increasing tremendously. Therefore, learning JS will unlock a lucrative, well-paying career. This branch has great growth potential. First, learn the basics. Then, take up the Simplilearn Full Stack Java Developer course to get your JS professional life underway. This will arm you with some highly sought-after skills. It will set your career rolling. Finally, take charge of your career right now.

Upskill yourself and stay updated with “JS” knowledge and other areas of web development with industry-recognized online courses like Introduction to JavaScript and “JS” Tutorial from Simplilearn. Register with us today to access a world of great certifications and courses in “JS”.

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