What Is GitHub? (And What Is It Used For?)

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“Many individuals are inquiring “What is GitHub?” on the web. There are north of 615 million reactions to that inquiry on Google. It’s a well-known name in the tech space, regardless of whether you’re not a designer (yet).”


“However, GitHub can be confounding if you’ve never utilized it. Is it a conveyed stockpiling site? A long-range interpersonal communication site for developers? A code-sharing site? The response to this multitude of inquiries is indeed, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.”

“Today, GitHub is one of the most famous assets for engineers to share code and work on projects together. It’s free, easy to use, and has become central in the movement toward open-source software. If this all sounds like something you should know, read on — we’ll explain what GitHub is, what it’s used for, and how to get started.”

“GitHub is an online software development platform. It serves as a store, tracker, and collaboration tool for software projects.

“Within this very short period since its inception in 2008, GitHub has already won millions of users to become the premier destination for collaborating on software projects. It has a free service with many useful features for sharing code and real-time collaboration.”.

Aside from its functions related to codes, GitHub also urges users to create a personal profile and brand for themselves. Anybody can visit your profile and learn about projects you own and contribute to. In that sense, it is like a social network for programmers working collaboratively on software and website development.

How does GitHub work?

“GitHub users create accounts, upload files, and create coding projects. But the real work of GitHub happens when users begin to collaborate.

While anyone can code independently, teams of people build most development projects. Sometimes these teams are all in one place at once time, but more often they work asynchronously. There are many challenges to creating collaborative projects with distributed teams. GitHub makes this process much simpler in a few different ways.”

“First, all the code and documentation are in one place. This limits issues with access for anyone who wants to contribute to a project. Each repository also contains instructions and other details to help outline project goals and rules.”

Next, coding is a lot more creative and abstract than most people who are nontechnical really think it is. For example, say two devs are working on different pieces of code. These two pieces of code should work together. But sometimes one piece of code can make the other code fail. Or a piece of code can have an unexpected impact on how the other code works.

These problems GitHub will solve by showing how both files will change the main branch. It catches these errors before pushing changes, hence making the coding process more efficient.

Tracking of changes and going back to previous project versions is made easier by GitHub. Explaining this will require us to understand the technology that GitHub is based on: Git. And to talk about version control.

What is Git?

“Git is free, open-source version control software that runs on managing and tracking changes to files. You can use Git with any file type, though it’s most often used for tracking code files.”


“Git is the most used VCS within software development, and GitHub uses this technology for its service, hence the name.”

What is the vision control of GitHub?

“You’ve likely used some sort of version control before. For example, Google Docs has a “Version History” pane where you can view a document’s changes across different points in time. Microsoft Office has something similar with its “Track Changes” feature. Or, you might make multiple copies of a file, and name them “v1,” “v2,” etc.

In an advanced software project—much more in a collaborative one—a project needs advanced version control.

Why is vision control helpful for coding?

“When building software, developers frequently and simultaneously update the code to add features and fix bugs. It wouldn’t make sense to make these changes to the source code directly, since any issues would affect users. Instead, developers work with their copies of the code, then — after the code has been thoroughly tested — add this code to the main codebase.”

“Well, that’s all well and good. With multiple contributors, it gets overwhelmingly fast. This is especially true when there’s no way to combine everybody’s contributions into one unified codebase or see who contributed to what changes. That is each change must additionally be monitored and kept in inventory.”. This is helpful when something breaks and the developers need to backtrack and restore a previous version.

“That’s what Git is for. When a developer wants to make a change to a piece of software, they:”

  • “Download their copy of the source code from its central storage location (called a repository) to their local system
  • Make modifications safely to their copy
  • Merge their revised copy back with the source files in the repository
  • Add comments explaining the changes

Git tracks all of these modifications and stores previous versions as backups. GitHub makes it easier to see when devs make changes as a group, not just specific individual changes. This is helpful when troubleshooting complex projects.”

What is GitHub used for?

“GitHub allows software developers and engineers to create remote, public-facing repositories on the cloud for free. A repository, or “repo” for short, is a coding project’s files and the revision history for each file. Once you’ve set up a repository on GitHub, you can copy it to your device, add and modify files locally, then “push” your changes back to the repository where your changes display for the public. So, why would you prefer GitHub over developing with a private repository? Here are the key reasons why GitHub is such a big player:”

Enhanced Collaboration

“The single biggest selling point of GitHub is its set of project collaboration features, including version control and access control.

To illustrate what’s possible with GitHub, imagine this scenario. You want to code an online game, and you enlist your friend to help you.

Create a repository on GitHub that stores all the files, including current and past versions, then give your friend collaborator access to this repo as well.”

“You decide to work on the main gameplay and screens while your partner tackles the game’s menu and settings screens. For you both to push your progressions simultaneously without obstructing the other’s work, you make a branch — a different improvement region — where your partner can work out their screens. In the meantime, you proceed with work in your branch.”


“At the point when your friend finishes their work, they can make an attractive request mentioning to merge their work with yours. If you support, you can solidify your branches, and thusly your code.”

“By and by, say another originator sees your game’s store and has an arrangement to add multiplayer mode. They can fork — or make their copy of — your repository, then add their new features.”

“Once finished, they can submit a pull request to you. If you approve, this forked repository merges with yours, and your game is now multiplayer.”

“To address these issues, you might look back at a file’s changelog to see when and where things went wrong.

To sum up, GitHub provides a centralized space where several, dozens, or even thousands of developers can seamlessly contribute to a project, without worrying about overriding anyone’s work or losing track of changes.”

Easy File Management

“Using GitHub means you’re not limited to one device or environment.

GitHub adds a sleek graphical user interface (GUI) layer on top of Git. On its own, Git operates through the command line (a computer’s text-based interface).
Developers know how to use the command line, but for many, it’s not always the most efficient way to interact with files.

GitHub’s interface provides a clean and user-friendly way to perform Git actions and view file history. This is more convenient for developers and more accessible for beginners getting the hang of Git

.Another benefit that makes GitHub more accessible is its cloud-based infrastructure. A GitHub user may access their repository from any location and device, download it, and push their changes.” https://blog.hubspot.com/website/what-is-github-used-for.

Social Networking

“Any GitHub user knows the platform is more than just a place to work on code. All GitHub users have profiles to display their projects, contributions, and activity on the site, and can see anyone’s public-facing profile and repositories.”


“GitHub’s social network is critical to its success, as it encourages developers to explore and contribute to open-source projects of all kinds. Previously, aspiring collaborators would have to contact project owners asking for permission to contribute personally.

With GitHub, it’s as easy as forking a project and then making a pull request. A project owner can then vet someone’s profile and past contributions before accepting their request.”

Open-Source Project

“Thanks to the benefits we’ve learned about, GitHub has fueled a surge of open-source collaboration, leading to the creation of many widely used software technologies. From CSS frameworks to data visualization libraries to a game you might spend too much time playing, a lot of impressive feats wouldn’t be around without open GitHub repositories.”

“As has been a trend with Web 2.0, GitHub has also opened up software development to anyone who wants to learn programming, fostering an engaged, innovative, and productive community.”

How can one get everything rolling with GitHub?

“As has been a trend with Web 2.0, GitHub has also opened up software development to anyone who wants to learn programming, fostering an engaged, innovative, and productive community.”

“Sold on GitHub? This is the way to get everything rolling. A speedy note: You ought to settle in utilizing the order line before working with GitHub, as Git involves the terminal as its connection point.

1. Introduce GIT

Present the latest interpretation of Git on your device. You’ll require Git introduced to work with your GitHub store. There are different ways of doing this, so follow the proposals on the Git site. The Git programming is free.

2. Pursue GitHub

In the wake of introducing Git, go to GitHub and make a record with your email address.

3. Start a vault.

At the point when your GitHub account is set up, you’ll be taken to your dashboard. To start your most noteworthy storage facility, click Make Vault. This permits you to save all of your code for your new GitHub project in one spot.

4. Name your endeavor.

Eager for advancement on another vault screen, enter your store name and an optional depiction (you can change both later).”

5. Add project subtleties.

In total agreement, make a README record, which is a text document portraying your task, and as a decent practice in improvement, a .gitignore eliminating pointless records, as.DS_Store, and a permit for your undertaking.
These subtleties will permit individual designers to comprehend your venture effectively and any rules you would like them to notice.

6. Make your archive.

Click Make Archive You will be brought to your primary store page that rundowns your documents in general.

7. Make a neighborhood duplicate of your storehouse

You’ll make a neighborhood duplicate of your GitHub storehouse, called “cloning” your vault, where you can alter your records and afterward push them to GitHub. On your primary storehouse page click on the green Code button. Then duplicate the HTTPS URL of your archive.

8. Choose a directory.

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to place your repository copy.

9. Glue your archive URL.

in terminal kind git clone. Then, at that point, glue in the archive URL that you replicated earlier. Your order ought to show up as follows:

10. Clone and check out your clone archive.

Press Enter to clone the file. You will have one more record made in your nearby record structure with your shop’s name. In case you open this archive, you will see it contains the records in your GitHub document. Once more these are duplicates of your vault’s records that you can change and, then, push to your file.

11. Make another chronicle in your new store.

We ought to wrap things up by making one more record in your cloned file and subsequently pushing it to GitHub. In your close-by clone, make another text report this time called hello.txt. Inside it stick the text Howdy, world! as well, and save the record.

12. Plan to push your reports.

In the terminal, go into your cloned chronicle. Then, type git add. In expansion, hit Enter. At this stage all of the reports in your cloned archive are to be pushed.

13. Commit your upgrades to the changelog.

In the terminal, type git commit-m “added hello.txt” and press Enter. This commits your enhancements to the changelog. The text in quotes is a comment rapidly depicting the help for the commit.

14. Push your cloned vault records.

Type git push beginning basic in the terminal and press Enter.

15. Check for your new record.

Back in your GitHub store, you will see that your new record has been added. Presently you’re prepared to make a plunge and start teaming up on your new undertaking.


GitHub is a necessary instrument for programming advancement due to its variant control, cooperation, and undertaking of the executive’s highlights. Whether you are one designer or an enormous group of hundreds, GitHub has a set-up of highlights and mixes that can assist you with surrendering to your work process and achieving your main jobs.

What Is Coding and What Is It Used For?

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