Naturally, Remove Acne Scars in a Week: Expert Tips

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Acne scars frustrate and make many people self-conscious. At Qazi Cosmetic Center in Orange County, under the expert guidance of Dr. Qazi, we understand how acne scars affect our patients’ confidence and assure comprehensive solutions for treating them. How to naturally remove Acne Scars? While complete scar removal may take time, natural remedies can help diminish their appearance. The following article discusses some effective and natural remedies that can reduce acne scars in just a week. Note: Results may vary from person to person. People with extreme scarring may need professional treatments.

Acne scars

Understanding Acne Scars

  1. Atrophic Scars: Depressed scars create depressions or pits on the skin surface. Mostly caused due to lost tissue during the process of healing.
  2. Hypertrophic Scarring: Raised, fleshy scars caused by excess collagen in the formation process.
  3. Keloid Scars: Keloid scars are similar to those that are hypertrophic; however, they extend outside the original site of acne and form most often in those with darker skin types.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally? Natural Remedies

Acne scars

Meanwhile, anti-inflammatory and skin-healing properties work together in aloe vera. So, applying the fresh gel of aloe vera directly to the scars begins the process of healing. Also, it helps in maximum absorption by keeping it for 30 minutes. Do this twice a day after washing and this helps the skin grow anew. Ultimately, this leads to a reduction in scar visibility, making them less noticeable over time.

Lemon juice contains natural alpha hydroxy acids that exfoliate the skin, thereby helping the scars to fade. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to the scars and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. But be careful if you have sensitive skin since lemon can be very irritating.

It has a natural humectant property with some added antimicrobial properties that support scar healing. Slather the raw honey on the scars and let it sit for 20-30 minutes, then rinse. With regular use, you can noticeably achieve improved skin texture and reduce scar visibility.

Coconut oil, rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, promotes skin repair and rejuvenation. Massage a little organic, cold-pressed coconut oil into the scars gently for some minutes every day to help moisturize and make these marks less visible.

Rosehip seed oil is high in essential fatty acids and vitamin A, assimilation of both components that supports the regrowth of skin cells. Using this treatment will hence reduce hyper-pigmentation. Apply a few drops of rosehip seed oil to the scars and massage gently into the skin twice daily.

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory substance and therefore reduces redness, eventually fading the scars. One has to take some turmeric powder and mix it with honey or yogurt to make a paste. Apply this paste and let it stay for 15-20 minutes on the scars before washing it off.

Drinking enough water will make you well-hydrated. Water helps in retaining moisture in the skin and hence increases the natural capability of your body to heal.

The white portion of the egg holds the protein as we know. But we don’t know that egg white can be an amazing home remedy for acne scars.
Applying the white sticky portion of the egg with a cotton ball directly onto the scarred skin and letting it dry off throughout the night can accelerate the healing process and remove the scars or blemishes of the skin.

Another easily graspable home remedy for acne scars is olive oil. The oil is used in cooking but a few drops on a cotton ball and massing it onto the scarred skin every day can slowly remove the blemishes.

Because of the antioxidants contained in olive oil, it is used for the benefit of health all over the world.

Sandalwood is another great home remedy for acne scars. Women in India widely and traditionally use it because of its effectiveness in cleansing the skin.

Sandalwood powder with water as much as needed to make the paste, a few drops of oil can be added to this paste and applied to the affected areas. Wait 15/30 minutes until the paste dries off and then wash it off. Keep continuing the process until the scars or blemishes completely vanish.

Ripe tomato slices or the pulp made from it can both reduce the blemishes from the skin. Tomato contains Vitamin A and Carotenes and maybe the red color is the reason that helps the scar fade away.

Besides, the damaged tissue heals because of the presence of an antioxidant in tomatoes.

Who can think of baking soda, common kitchen stuff that can be so useful in the treatment of acne scars?

Yes, applying the paste made from 2/3 spoons of baking soda and clean water on the affected skin can fade the scars caused by acne or a pimple. Just leave the thick paste on the skin for a few minutes and then wash it off. Continue the process regularly until you find the desired result.

Also, baking soda is considered one of the important home remedies for acne scars removal.

Potato is a common vegetable consumed by people almost every day. Amongst all vegetables, the potato is one enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Cutting an organic potato into a few slices and using the juices on acne and pimple-scarred skin for 30 minutes from your busy hours of the day wouldn’t be a problem if you are concerned about your skin, instead, the process helps to remove the scars.

Cucumber has been used in the process of beautifying women as a skin toner at parlors and homes all over the world. It contains vitamins and magnesium.

Apply a few slices cut from a fresh organic cucumber to help remove the scars often caused by acne or a pimple. The process is simple like the others. Keep the slices laid on the scarred place for 30 minutes and then rinse your face with clean water. Continue the process 3 to 5 times a week.


Acne scars have always been a great issue for people, especially women. But unknown to the fact that there could be home remedies for removing acne or pimple scars we often go after expensive treatment which sometimes works, sometimes does not.

Natural ingredients and food habits can be adapted and applicable for removing acne scars easily without any side effects or harmful consequences.

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