What Is JavaScript Used For? 10 Practical Applications


JavaScript is everywhere on the web. It is the most used programming language, with 97.7% of all websites using JavaScript as a client-side programming language. As a result, JavaScript skills are a must-have if you’re looking to get a job as a web developer.

Kickstart your web development career by learning about the use of JavaScript, what makes JavaScript so popular, the practical applications of JavaScript, and tips on how to become a JavaScript professional.

How to Run Python Scripts? [Step-by-Step Guide]


One of the important skills to learn for any Python beginner developer is to know well how to run Python scripts in the terminal. With this large help page below, completeness would mean that we note a wide number of ways to execute Python scripts in the terminal, properly execute Python on Windows, show examples for executing Python scripts under Linux, etc. Whether you’re a developer at

What Is C++? (And How to Learn It)? Everything You Need to Know


C++ is an object-oriented programming language. Many people regard it as the best language for writing big programs. C++ forms a superset of the C language.

A related programming language, Java, is based on C++ but has been optimized for distributing program objects in a network like the Internet. Java is somewhat less complex and easier to learn than C++ and it has characteristics that give it other advantages over C++. Both languages require a considerable amount of study.

What is SQL and what is it used for?


SQL is one of the most important programming languages to know if you work with data. We explore what it is, what it’s used for, and which jobs you could land if you learn SQL.

Data is everywhere, from the price of items at your local supermarket to the personal data collected from your browsing habits. Our world is built on data, and SQL is a programming language that makes navigating this data much easier.