What is SQL and what is it used for?

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SQL is one of the most important programming languages to know if you work with data. Learn Structured Query Language: Explore its uses and unlock new career opportunities.

Consequently, data is ubiquitous, permeating every aspect of our lives, from the price of items at your local supermarket to the personal data collected from your browsing habits. Meanwhile, Structured Query Language plays a pivotal role in building our data-driven world, thereby making data navigation easier. Furthermore, this facilitates seamless access to information, ultimately empowering individuals and organizations to make informed decisions.

Besides exploring Structured Query Language and its uses, we’re going to look at how you can learn the language and the types of jobs you could get into if you pick up Structured Query Language. Learn Structured Query Language to succeed in the data industry.


What is SQL?

Structured Query Language is important because it makes provisions for interacting with relational databases; hence, SQL becomes a very important language in programming. More specifically, SQL is used for the storage, recovery, administration, and manipulation of data in a database management system; hence, it allows smooth interaction with the data. Besides, SQL provides a means for effective management of the data. It recovers, adjusts, and controls data. In this regard, therefore, SQL is a very essential tool in the management of databases.

IBM developed Structured Query Language in the early 1970s and released it commercially in 1979, establishing it as the global standard for relational database management systems (RDBMS).

Structured Query Language retrieves data from databases using sets of keywords, known as statements. Later, we’ll take a look at some of the statements available in the Structured Query Language.

An Introduction to Databases

Databases store and provide electronic access to collections of structured information. They make it easy for companies to extract, update, and analyze internal data, often by using Structured Query Language or similar languages.

Companies use databases mainly because spreadsheets and files aren’t scalable. On the other hand, while they may be suitable for small companies and startups that don’t collect large amounts of data, they can store only minimal information.

Manipulating large datasets in Excel dramatically reduces system performance, even with just 1 million rows of data. Databases can load upwards of over 10 million rows of data in less than a minute.

Databases facilitate data manipulation, analysis, and aggregation that can hardly be achieved with a spreadsheet or text file.

There are many types of databases, which organizations utilize in storing their internal data; Relational databases are the most popular choice.

A relational database stores data points and their pre-defined relationships. Users can access them using Structured Query Language. Want a more in-depth introduction to relational databases and how they work? Check out our course.

What is SQL used for?

Now, let’s explore what Structured Query Language does. Well, from the preceding pages, you might recall that Structured Query Language is a language for speaking with relational databases, but let’s go a little deeper into it.

The Structured Query Language, language provides several ways of querying a database using English-like statements.

This is the case, outside of Facebook, with Structured Query Language powering Spotify, Revolut, Twitter, and Instagram when it comes to music, banking, and social media platforms.
Being the most used database language, Structured Query Language serves a broad spectrum of companies needing to store relational data.

Developers write queries in Structured Query Language to extract data from databases; however, they focus more on the efficiency optimization of queries for improved performance. This is because many databases have their own system-specific additional proprietary extensions.

Essentially, Structured Query Language provides CRUD functionality for databases. What does CRUD stand for?

  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete.

SQL statements

We single out critical fields in which Coordinated Question Language is dynamic for different results inside this particular circumstance.

If you were to navigate a large database without Structured Query Language, it would take a significantly longer time to find the data you need.

By using the SELECT statement, you can select data by table and column types. This way, you can instantly pinpoint data sets that meet all requirements of your search rather than spending a lot of time searching manually.

Upgrade order adds new data to the tables, so you can input information into the various picked regions.

The DELETE statement does what you might think: it lets you delete existing records in a table. A DELETE query also allows you to specify rows that should be deleted that meet certain conditions.

The CREATE DATABASE statement is what one would use to set up a database—really, it creates a brand new database within one’s database management system. On the other hand, CREATE TABLE is the command for creating a new table after the creation of the database.

The UPDATE statement updates one or multiple records in the database. It can update all rows at one time or can set rows to update only a subset.

Types of SQL commands

We can arrange the Organized Inquiry Language into four order types: DDL, DML, DQL, and DCL, effectively overseeing information base design, information control, information questioning, and information control. Let’s look at each of these sections.

  • DDL (data definition language) – this is used to create and modify database objects like tables, users, and indices.
  • DML (data manipulation language) – this is used to delete, add, and modify data within databases.
  • DCL (data control language) – this is used to control access to any data within a database.
  • DQL (data query language) – this is used to perform queries on the data and find information and is composed of COMMAND statements only.

There are tools available to help you write SQL, some of these tools include Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio, DataGrip, Oracle’s SQL Developer, SQL Workbench, and Toad.



NoSQL databases came to prominence in the late 2000s to accommodate data with less need for an upfront structure. These types of databases tend to be easier for developers, as they sometimes have faster queries and more flexible data models

Intended to manage social information, organized question language-based data sets offer adaptable inquiry offices, organized systems, and proficient information putting away. Structured Query Language information bases actively collaborate with NoSQL data sets, forming a powerful partnership.

There are some major differences between the two, these include:

  • Scalability – NoSQL databases tend to be horizontally scalable, whereas SQL databases are more often vertically scalable. This means that NoSQL databases can often handle higher traffic numbers.
  • Structure – SQL databases have a table-based structure, but NoSQL databases can be graph-based, document-based, or wide-column stores. SQL databases are better suited for multi-row transactions.
  • Knowledge and community – There is a huge range of information and communities available for SQL since it is more common and has been around for longer. NoSQL does not share this number of forums and resources, so it may be harder to seek help when needed.

Types of SQL Jobs

Learning SQL will open up opportunities in a range of different careers. Let’s take a look at some of the options available.

Data scientist

A data scientist is an analytical data expert – they extract, analyze, and interpret big data from a range of sources to solve problems. SQL is crucial to data scientists as databases are at the core of their work due to the data analytics they have to carry out.

Check out this in-depth data science course if you are interested in learning more about this career option.

SEO analyst

An SEO analyst analyses data and optimizes site content to increase organic search traffic. SQL helps this job by productively taking care of huge datasets and beating Succeed records in data set administration.

On the off chance that the Search engine optimization job ignites your advantage, venture out with our Website design enhancement and WordPress instructional class to launch your excursion.

Software engineer

A software engineer develops and builds computer systems software and application software. Being a software engineer requires knowledge of programming languages in order to build the software, and most programmers are required to have some knowledge of SQL.

If you’re interested in becoming a software engineer, our ExpertTrack on software development fundamentals will guide you through some of the essentials.

Business analyst

A business analyst analyses data and documents market environments to advise business decisions. This role massively ties into SQL as it is very data-heavy, and you’ll almost definitely be working with relational databases.

To learn more about data for business, check out this incredible course on business analytics.

As well as SQL being useful to get you into one of these roles, it can also be beneficial to those with their own business or plans to start one up. Relational databases can help you store, sort, and modify huge amounts of data.

How to learn SQL

Taking that first step to learn a programming language may seem daunting at first, but with patience and dedication, you can reach your full potential. Start off with the basics and gradually move on to more advanced commands when you’re ready.

Thankfully, there are many online courses and resources available to help you learn this useful language. Trying out a course, such as our introduction to databases and SQL, is a great place to start.

As well as online courses, another great way to learn is to watch video tutorials and become comfortable with the methods and software used.

One of the best ways to retain any information you learn and remember the SQL commands is to practice. You can download a free SQL database management system such as MySQL and put your knowledge to the test, playing with the functions and exploring the database.

There are even websites that simulate an SQL management system such as SQLfiddle. On sites like this, you can play around with writing statements without the need to install any software.

Once you are comfortable with your SQL knowledge, you can start working towards an SQL certification. Adding this to your CV will exhibit your abilities and effectively help your possibilities of getting one of the SQL occupations referenced previously.


Final thoughts

Whether you want to upskill in your current role or find a new career altogether, SQL is a very powerful and useful language to learn. We hope this article has equipped you with the knowledge to get out there and start learning the language yourself.

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